发表于 2023-2-5 18:19:28
| Edg | Windows 10
本帖最后由 鸡拽根 于 2023-2-5 18:22 编辑
Here is my aimbot for valorant, so here you go Undetected aimbot for valorant using python everything is self explanatory but for who doesnt know fellow my steps
-Download arduino version 1.8.19
-Go to your arduino app :
open tools
library manger
look for > usb host shield library 2.0
and install it
-Download python version 3.11
-Of course you need Both of arduino leonardo r3 and usb host shield solderd
-Upload the script to your arduino go to cheat folder and run luna.py
-Go to terminal and install those:
- pip install opencv-python
- pip install mss
- pip install numpy
- pip install pywin32
- pip install pyserial
To toggle on press f9
Edit1: some players got fps problem you can simply fix it but doing this
- [size=4][color=#2f4f4f]while True:
- if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(0x01) < 0:[/color][/size]
复制代码 What it does doesnt scan for enemy until you press mouse1 button also doesnt move mouse auto